Travel story on Berlin, published in a special edition of GN Focus on the anniversary of the German reunification.
What Makes Berlin the Creative Capital

Travel guide to Poland, published in the GN Focus supplement.
Around Poland in Eight Ways

Feature on Swedish interior design, published in the GN Focus supplement.
The Chic Minimalism of Swedish Design

Feature on the refugee situation in Germany during the summer of 2015

Feature on cold coffee and tea trends, published in the GN Focus supplement.
Coffee is Cold Comfort
Iced Tea is a Matcha for Cold Brew Coffee

Travel feature on Australia, published in the GN Focus supplement.
Top 5 Alternative Tourist Attractions
Travel feature on shopping highlights around the globe, published in the GN Focus supplement.
7 great Eid shopping destinations
Travel feature on First Nations culture in Vancouver, BC, published in the GN Focus supplement.
Going native in Vancouver